
eBooks - What I Cook


“Tastes & Tales – Savour the Stories”

“What I Cook – For Onam Sadhya: A Culinary Celebration You Can't Miss!”

    Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts and culture explorers!  Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that's as vibrant as the festival of Onam itself.

 I'm thrilled to introduce my first eBook – 

       What I Cook - For Onam” 

    A celebration of flavours, tradition, and the heart-warming spirit of Onam.  Explore the world of flavours, cultures, and culinary tales in 'eBook – What I Cook.' Join me on a gastronomic journey filled with authentic recipes, cultural insights, and personal stories. Discover the heart and soul of cooking as we savour the essence of life, one dish at a time. Available now on Amazon Kindle.

    Onam is more than just a festival; it's a tapestry of traditions woven together by the aromas and tastes of the grand Onam Sadhya. From fragrant rice to luscious payasams, my e-book is your gateway to recreating the authentic Onam Sadhya experience right in your kitchen.

    25 Authentic & most Traditional Sadhya Recipes: Dive into a treasure trove of meticulously crafted recipes that capture the essence of the Sadhya. From Avial to Ada Pradhaman, every dish is a symphony of flavours.

    Join me as I share personal anecdotes, cultural insights, and the history that gives each dish its unique place in the Onam Sadhya.  Whether you're a seasoned chef or a curious beginner, my eBook guides you through every step with easy-to-follow instructions and vibrant visuals.

    This isn't just a collection of recipes – it's a heartfelt invitation to experience the magic of Onam through its culinary traditions. From the moment you open the eBook, you'll be transported to the vivid landscapes of Kerala.

    Hungry for a taste of Onam? Don't wait a moment longer! Your journey into the world of Onam Sadhya begins with a simple click. Grab your copy of “What I Cook – For Onam” on Amazon Kindle now!

    As a special treat, the first 50 readers will receive an exclusive bonus recipe that's not in the e-book. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this flavourful journey.

Ready to Dive In? 

    If your heart is already craving the authentic taste of Onam, if you're excited to embrace the joyous spirit of the festival, then this eBook is your perfect companion.

Click here to get your copy and let's celebrate Onam with flavours that dance on your taste buds! Get Your Ebook Now!

Let's make this Onam unforgettable – one dish at a time!

Celebrate with flavours, 



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