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Let's welcome this New Year with a toast, with my home-made, heartwarming Ginger Wine. Also my blog 'ESSENCE OF LIFE- FOOD' has completed 3 years and stepping into its 4th year this 2019.
This Ginger Wine Recipe was in my mind for a long time, literally for years I should say. Every time I buy Ginger I buy a batch for this Ginger Wine, but I always procrastinate the process thinking, next time maybe. And after all these years, when I was thinking what Wine I could make for this year, I finally convinced myself to prepare Ginger Wine. And all the more I had few batches of Raisin Wine and Banana Wine already lying in my refrigerator.
Ginger Wine is something quite warming, with a wonderful aroma, soothing and satisfying flavour. Fresh Ginger Roots give a wonderful aroma to the Wine along with a note of Spiciness from the dry chillies added to the Wine. Some recipes even call for adding Raisins and Yeast, but this ginger Recipe is prepared without adding Yeast. Also adding Caramelized Sugar to the Ginger Wine gives a fullness with a slight bitter note and yields a wonderful colour to the Wine.
Wishing you all a 'HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019'
Recipe Type - Wine
Difficulty - Medium
Yields - 11/2 Bottles
Author - SM
Preparation Time - 30 -45 Minutes
Brewing Time for Ginger Wine - 1 Week to 10 Days
For more WINE Recipes, Click here...


Ginger - 1 Cup
Sugar - 3 Cups
Dry Red Chillies - 10-12 No’s.
Lemon Juice - of 2 Lemons
Water - 11/2 litres
Caramelized Sugar - 1/2 Cup.
- Clean, peel and cut Ginger into slices.
- Crush the Ginger slices( can briefly grind it coarsely in a mixer- grinder).
- Collect the crushed ginger, and boil it along with Sugar, Dry Chilies and Water.
- Boil it on a lower-medium flame for about 30 minutes.
- Switch off the flame and allow it to cool.
- Transfer the Ginger Mixture into a jar with a tight lid, big enough to hold the ingredients.
- Alternatively, can store it in a Ceramic Jar/Earthen Pot/Bharani.
- Cover the jar tightly.
- Next day, add Lemon juice & Caramelized Sugar to the Ginger Mixture and give a quick stir.
- Cover the jar and leave it aside.
- Leave it to ferment for about a week to 10 days.
- Stir the Ginger Mixture with a long wooden ladle daily and keep it covered.
- After the fermentation period, strain the Ginger wine leaving the sediments apart.
- Store the Ginger Wine in clean and dry bottles, preferably in the refrigerator.
- Serve Ginger Wine with ample ice cubes.
- Adding Caramelized sugar will give you a light golden brown coloured Ginger Wine with a slightly bitter taste.
- Adjust the number of dry red chillies to suit your spice level( check how hot it is before adding it into the mixture)
- I have used 12 nos of Dry Red Chillies, as the ones I get here aren’t very spicy.
- Lemon juice will give a tangy taste to the wine. (If u have citric acid can substitute lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of citric acid).
- Stirring the wine is very important for the fermenting process.
- Once the wine is fermented, store it in clean and dry bottles in moist free place.
- Store the Ginger Wine bottled in the refrigerator for longer shelf life.
- As I am staying in a tropical area, my wine brewed up sooner. But I strictly followed the regime.
- I have not used any artificial colours, food preservatives or enhancers in this Ginger Wine.
- The colour and flavour, which I got naturally out of the ingredients were more satisfying.
For Caramel:Water - 1 Tbsp Warm water - ¼ Cup METHOD :